Originally written (12/06/07)
Via Feministing (Not Tonight Dear).
See the thing is that these types of feminist blaming, 'ladies need to just lie back and think of the queen for the sake of teh menz' articles are always ready to push us on our backs so we can take one for the team. They are always quick to point out that women just don't like sex but men do and really, who is more important? Well, the boys of course.
It seems that few of these "journalists" never seem to be interested in discussing the possibility that women may in fact really like sex. Maybe we do like sex just as much as men but we are just not built the same as men. Maybe most women are not turned on simply by the site of a penis. Many women may actually enjoy foreplay in the guise of stimulating conversation and witty banter. Who knew.
Quite possibly most women are not in fact turned on by the exhaustion that comes at the end of a married-with (or without) -children-day. Especially if the to-do list includes (1) Initiate Sex so Man-of-House won't pout. I mean, yeah I guess if I am really tired I could just lie there and nap while hubby does his business. But honestly, I am a really light sleeper and all of that rutting around on top of me might keep me awake and I will probably be going through the rest of the To-do list anyway. Pff.
When are we going to start to see articles in the New York Times, possibly the Style section no less, instructing men to take it on the chin and stay in the room while the nagging partner (that's us ladies) is speaking. Possibly some witty observation about how the selfish, juvenile man of today is ruining sex for the ladies by not being a better conversationalist and ultimately no longer funny, unlike when he charmed the pants off her in the beginning and the hot sex seemed endless, Big Boy.
Whatever. This lady is an asshole. I'm just saying.
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