Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Riotous Transformation

Yesterday I might have been a glorious monument to somebody, true enough-but tomorrow I could be a fireworks depository. Even in the Eternal city, says the silent Augusteum, one must always be prepared for riotous and endless transformation. --Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love
This passage is from what was for me a gently tugging and delightful read. The author has a fantastic way of just nailing it, if you will.

I am finding that the changes of several years although seemingly monumental in the here and now, are teaching me a new lesson. I am learning to roll with the punches tides. I am discovering an unfamiliar sense of ease when giving in to the flexibility which allows me to understand that things must happen for a reason.
If there is no reason for the challenges that we face then there is no reason for well, anything really.

Which brings me to the discussion of change as well as the unintentional signposts that appear even when we didn't even know we were on the path to change.

Change, I have learned comes in many guises. I am not talking about the kind of change that you spend, however that would be an interesting analogy for the karmic tab we keep throughout our life. I am talking about the changes that people go through unwittingly and the changes that people consciously make.
Let's face it, everyone changes in some way as the days go by. Sometimes the more a person changes, the more they stay the same, unfortunately.

I have found in my own situation as well as in talking with friends (male and female), geographical change is usually the answer with men. And the universal theme is a need to be around a society of "better people than the ones 'here'," a place where more money can be made (or saved), or simply a place with less people. It often comes as a thinly veiled threat as in '...if everything here doesn't change we (I) need to leave here.' I am sure that there are women out there like this as well, but I just haven't come across them and so I can't speak to them.

And to that idea that geographic change will make things better isn't it true that we make our own reality? I mean, once we move to a new location aren't we still left with ourselves, our cosmic "change," and all of our mental baggage? Isn't the saying true that people are the same all over the world, sometimes they just look different? Shouldn't the change happen within ourselves first in order to be happy in the present situation?
That being said, I have made many changes in the last few years (new location, HA!) and I was sure that I would feel like a free bird just spreading her wings - ready to fly.

I started wading into the dating pool and I found that men never disappoint and will always prove you right. They will always be the same clowns they were at seventeen and no advances have been made in their ability to use mainly the head on top of their shoulders. But this I knew since I have seen grown men leave their children because their little head said to.

This, my friends is my genesis. Into what, I still don't know. Like anything drastic and new, it is messy and exciting and frightening, and I can't wait. I am a beautiful, hot mess of churning dichotomies with a drive for excitement that borders on scary. This is my riotous transformation. Hopefully it won't disappoint.

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